Cancellation Policy

Once the product has been shipped from our end, you cannot cancel the order. If you want to cancel the purchase after it has been dispatched, you have to bear the transaction fees, and once the order has been transferred to logistics, you have to bear the logistic charges both ways. 

You can refuse the merchandise at the time of delivery for a small fee of (minimum Rs.400) for accessories, (minimum Rs.800) for ukuleles, and for guitars, amplifiers, and keyboards (minimum of Rs.2000 of product value). This amount will be deducted from your final refund.

The refund will be initiated only after the package has been received back at our facility and processed as a verified return. 
The refunded amount will be transferred, as per banking and payment gateway norms, within 3 to 5 business days of the return being recieved and verified.


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